Parents Blog

What Worked With My Child

It’s rightly said that every child is unique; they have their own personality and learn at their own pace. Staying consistent with the therapy sessions really helps me in bringing about a positive change in my child. That apart, for the home based learning, I usually take the following approach.

  • Element of surprise: My son generally gets put off by monotony and craves for new experiences, I try to add an element of surprise and prioritize the activities as per his interest, and this helps in extending his attention span
  • Augment play time: play works like magic for him. A right mix of constructive and imaginative play helps in bringing out his creative side and also makes learning so much fun.
  • Reading together: I try and with my son as often as I can. Books not only help in enhancing his language, they also aid in building his imagination.
  • Keep myself informed: I I do lot of reading and closely follow blogs and sites like Pinterest; it offers valuable information, as well as interesting activities that help me for home based learning.

Finding this unique side of your child can be quite challenging to accept, however, I trust that “A strong and positive attitude creates more miracles than any other wonder drug”.

Small things make a big difference !

Some traits very common children aged 2+–such as not responding to their name, not following instruction and being very hyperactive. I was constantly getting reminder of these aspects from school when I took my kid for a check up to Dr. Shambhavi. In fact, I was alien to the whole world of ASD when came to kwon that he fall under its spectrum. But the doctor calmed me down when she told me she was not sure if he did as yet. According to her, early invention therapy would be the right thing to do to pull my kid out of it.

I was of course devastated like any other mother would be. On the first day of therapy, I saw everyone with doubtful eyes and was unsure of what was even done by the therapist here other than playing. But as the week passed, I began to understand how small routing habits play such an important role in your child’s life. Just asking him to get his shoes from the rack and wear them by himself can be a life-turning moment.

I kwon this sounds very easy, but trust me, it is not. I kept my child hungry till the time he did not ask me himself to feed him. I kept him thirsty till the time he did not open the water bottle himself and drink water. I was being strict but I was loving him equally, or even more. Obviously there were good and bad days, but the therapists at the bright beginnings were constantly giving me advice on how to handle difficult situation or his tantrums. They are highly skilled and made me understand that blocks, toys, colors, are not a child’s best friend- his parents are, and this is something I lost track of while building my career.

For kids falling in the ASD spectrum, LOVE and PATIENCE is the key. And believe me, you can pull them out of it. Just go one step at a time.

First, be where your child is, not where you want to see them. Go to their level, look at things from their perspective. Do what they are doing and make them feel that you understand what they are playing and are a part of it.

Second be natural. Be attached so you can understand what they want and what they are saying. Their alien language is very understandable; give them sentences and word in the games you play. Very soon, you’ll see the world will also start understanding their language. Because they will start speaking like you.

Please do not be ashamed and do not hide and do not live in denial. I accepted that there may be a problem in my child but at the time, I challenged myself to get him out of it. Only a mother knows what her child is capable of. Early intervention therapy will be the right to do right now.

My Flute Tips

Parenthood is a blessing. Giving life to a newborn comes with lot of joy, courage, and challenge. Lot of changes happen in one’s life while in the journey.

Challenging times are when the child fails to meet developmental milestones, developmental milestones of a child encompass various aspects such as physical, cognitive, social, and emotional factors.

As a parent, it is very important to watch out for the signs the child is showing up. When the child is not able to communicate, getting evaluated and taking help from the therapists should be first step in the process to help the child overcome the problem.

The outcome of the therapy is not overnight. It is a consistent and disciplined methodology which goes hand in hand with professionals and parents. Although, the planned sessions to help the child engage for some duration during the sessions, it the responsibility of the parents to engage with the child as much as possible.

Tried and tested aspects that are very useful include,

Communication: Talking to the child, encouraging imitation of words.

Reading: This has been very important in developing the vocabulary and budding interests, creativity.

Day-to-situation: In the regular routine of the child, to build on child’s speech and language, talking about things does help to bring awareness. It does take time but will happen. The child might be reluctant initially, but with time it will really help. Some simple practices include naming foods in the kitchen, explaining what is done during cooking a meal or cleaning a room, and point out objects around the house.

Socialising: It is another very important aspect. Taking them outdoors, be it park, public places help them a lot. They learn by observing their surroundings. Encouraging them to play with their age groups helps them build bond and language skills too.
Parents play a crucial role in the development of a child. Love, acceptance, and a cohesive family environment are essential for the child’s maturity and comprehensive development. Responsible parenthood requires patience, engagement, attention, and immense love and devotion.